
Thursday, August 2, 2007

Casting on

"Casting on" is more a knitting term, and I am more of a weaver, but its an accurate picture of making a beginning on your fabric. I don't know how a painter decides where to start, but a fabric always starts with one thread around a needle. I have needed a way to cast my thoughts into something, so that I can see in the pattern something of the ways of God in my life and in our family. There are now so many strands to consider that I can't discern as easily as I (or so I thought) could before. And the sublime and the ridiculous seem to bear equal weight in my material, as the chattering of my children can inform me as deeply as the richest spiritual teaching. Also, while I hope to see the big changes in myself when I look back, I also don't want to forget the small signposts that guided us and just made us laugh. I think deeply to myself, "Oh that I can grow up to think with a heavenly perspective....." and Justin philosophizes "Me, Ninja Turtle!"

sidenote: Only my sister (who, alas, thinks a lot like me) might remain my friend after these peeks into my mind. And I will totally understand. I will try to include cute pics of the kids to compensate.
posted by Textiler at 6:30 PM


Yeah and Wow! I thought it would take longer for you to start this, so glad to be surprised so soon! I look forward to more posts to come.

Congrats and Welcome!

August 2, 2007 at 7:35 PM  

Wow! If only I could formulate thoughts that beautifully, Rachel! Do I need a weekend away at a retreat, some Sudafed, or just a brilliant mind?! :) I can't wait to read more, and I can say I'll love you no matter what.

August 2, 2007 at 9:14 PM  

Yes, Yes! Your mind, the kids' minds, even John's mind; send it on, I love it all! (so does Dad)
Your blog is so cool. Aaand, You've never seemed afraid of my thoughts, so I'm certainly not afraid of yours, which are usually better!

August 4, 2007 at 3:47 PM  

You are actually very funny and articulate, and the only person I know who weaves and owns a loom! Marvelous! (Is that why there is a spider web on the page, or is that a completely coincidental decoration?) See, reading (and actually enjoying) all of that good old literature has paid off! (You're also one of the only people I know who has done THAT!)
And I love your family, they crack me up and warm my heart every day, so I will love reading your entries!

August 20, 2007 at 10:30 PM  

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